Tuesday, July 31, 2007

wherin we post something for thee angler while we fish

apologies, o! angler, but we is busy a fishing. please accept this meager stand in post in lieu of genuine AHW stuff. we promise we'll do better shortly. from progressive boink.

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Friday, July 27, 2007

If it's Friday, we are commencing to yodel

Seriously, is this not one of the top 5 greatest American Songs in thee history of great American songs?

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wherin we post up some verry good advice for them what is salmon fishing in our waters

Thee AHW Kollective got a great response to the cold smoking tips we posted last week. As a companion, it may be in the interest of thee angler to bookmark this page at Salmon University

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god bless us, o! anglers!, we have returned!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

gone fishing

thee ass hooked whitey does not condone cruelty to mutts. thee ass hooked whitey does not condone ANY cruelty to animals. thee ass hooked whitey does not condone NFL sanctioned dog fighting. thee ass hooked whitey especially loves golden retrievers, labs, mountain dogs, heelers, shepards, aussies, whippets, dalmations... what have you... we needed a picture... fast, because it's late and we are off to fish with VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE. therefore and stuff notwithstanding, we gotta get to bed, but it appears that this poor buddy realized that yep, he was hooked and yeah, it hurt, but daddy was gonna take care of it for him and that, by god, a pig ear was waiting somehere... in the horizon... after these temporary blues had passed. god love the dogs...
we shall return wed or thurs... depending (of course) on the fishing...

Friday, July 20, 2007

smoke 'em when ya get 'em

hey, everyone can hot smoke a fish, but here's some pretty excellent instructions (based on a recipe from Michael Ruhlman's Charcuterie) for cold smoking those pinks.

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holy jesus! breaking news! a pink salmon has been caught off thee waters of west seattle

if only they knew, o! anglers, that they swim toward their doom!

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

holy jesus! UFOs in West Seattle!

From the West Seattle based blog extraterrestrials and UFO phenonema:
I was going through pictures I took at Alki Beach on July 16th, 2007, and in one that I took, just after sunset, I got a teardrop shaped UFO, not an orb shaped one like all the others, this one is different.

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wherein we update the blogroll

knocking back tall boys:
mostly right, usually
fly fishing in yellowstone
capr on the fly
water swatters
john aqui

yr out the band, sunshine:
fishing goddess

did thee allmighty ass hooked whitey kollecktive miss your blog? let us know in thee olde comments


writing on running water

the stranger's charles mudede has this wonderful take on blogging in slog:

In his final interview, given to the French newspaper Le Monde in the spring of 2004, Jacques Derrida spoke of death and writing: “I leave a piece of paper behind, I go away, I die: It is impossible to escape this structure, it is the unchanging form of my life.” He worried that everything he wrote would simply disappear after he was gone.

If only Derrida had experienced the brief life of a blog post.
I blog, I go away, I die: It is impossible to escape this structure in our post-newspaper, post-book age.
True, there’s more death in a blog than in a book, but it still has its beauty: Blogging is like writing on running water.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

holy jesus! caddis bling!

From our pals at Cabinet Magazine:
(Hubert) Duprat, who was born in 1957, began working with caddis fly larvae in the early 1980s. An avid naturalist since childhood, he was aware of the caddis fly in its role as a favored bait for trout fishermen, but his idea for the project depicted here began, he has said, after observing prospectors panning for gold in the Ariège river in southwestern France. After collecting the larvae from their normal environments, he relocates them to his studio where he gently removes their own natural cases and then places them in aquaria that he fills with alternative materials from which they can begin to recreate their protective sheaths. He began with only gold spangles but has since also added the kinds of semi-precious and precious stones (including turquoise, opals, lapis lazuli and coral, as well as pearls, rubies, sapphires, and diamonds) seen here. The insects do not always incorporate all the available materials into their case designs, and certain larvae, Duprat notes, seem to have better facility with some materials than with others. Additionally, cases built by one insect and then discarded when it evolves into its fly state are sometimes recovered by other larvae, who may repurpose it by adding to or altering its size and form.

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Monday, July 16, 2007

wherein we check in with our boys in Hiroshima, thee carp

Not going to well, actually. Our boys are scuffling, stumbling and generally sucking with a record of 29-48-1 (1? There are ties in Japanese baseball? Who knew?). The win games at a clip of .377 and are 14 1/2 games out in the Japanese central league. Dammit, dammit, dammit...

Nickel Tailings #34, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, by Edward Burtynsky

Burtynsky's film, Manufactured Landscapes, opens in Seattle this evening

Friday, July 13, 2007

who reads this shit?

thee last 100 page views:

thanks to all:
Portland Oregon
New York New York
Seattle Washington
Seabrook New Hampshire
Dublin Ohio
Abbotsford British Columbia
Redmond Washington
Eugene Oregon
Raleigh North Carolina
Milwaukee Wisconsin
Mead Washington
Anchorage Alaska
Kingston Washington
Willingboro New Jersey
Pleasanton California
Cherry Hill New Jersey
San Rafael California
Durham North Carolina
Farmington Michigan
Homewood Illinois
Montreal Quebec
Omaha Nebraska
Bedford Texas
Wichita Kansas
Santafé De Bogotá Colombia
Mt. Laurel New Jersey
Salt Lake City Utah
Chico California
Sydney New South Wales Australia
St. Petersburg Florida
Beaverton Oregon
Jacksonville Florida
Palmerton Pennsylvania
Pawtucket Rhode Island
Lombard Illinois

wherin our man in Portland attempts to diabuse hank williams III of the notion that fishing involves the digging up of Lumbricus terrestris

Our man in Portland, the punk wiff the Pinoy Powah, Jayj, plays bass in the band Power of County. They are currently on tour with Hank III. When he comes to your town, you should go to the show. Here's the schedule, holmes. Oh, and bring a baggie fo yo teef.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

wherein we throw gasoline on the smouldering corpse of fly fishing bulletin boards (wild cheering, applause, the lighting of stogies)

this just in from one of our favorite contributors...

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

wherein we kick off the second half

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

thee sand lance beaches of puget sound

holy jesus! very small, trained golden capr!


Monday, July 09, 2007

and then yuo die (the series continues!)

how much of a badass is this golden eagle? answer: 169% BADASS.
(thanks to snapdad for thee link)

Monday, July 02, 2007

gone fishing

please, o! angler, yr indulgence is requested... we are "predisposed" prolly back near the end of the week.

thee ass hooked whitey kollective

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massively massive pink run

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