Monday, October 15, 2007
Previous Posts
- thee burning pram approacheth
- wherein we retroactively post a "gone fishing" ann...
- bad carping
- deer: 169% badass
- wherein we post some originoo punk rock
- wherein we welcome Lola
- davis lake: trout vs. bass
- The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall n...
- holy jesus! the sex pistols reunion
- a kollecktive korrespondant checks in...
What do you call a redneck that smokes pot?
A Libertarian.
Thank you I'll be here all night!
I thought a libertarian was a Republican that does'nt believe in God
this place is as dead as GLFA...somebody put it out of it's misery.
Just read your article in American Angler. I couldn't agree more about zingers. The last great zinger made was from Orvis. It was a screw-post model held on by, you got it, a post with a nut. It would not come off! They discontinued them many years ago. About 4 years ago I was in a fly shop in Lake Placid, New York and saw 4 dirty display bags of, you guessed it, my favorite zinger. I bought all four. They guy asked me, "Hey, how come you're buying all of them?". To which I replied, "They don't make these any more and are the best zingers ever made. They don't fall off or wear out".
I wasted a good click to get to this morgue? LOAF is more alive. Never thought I'd say that.
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