Tuesday, October 30, 2007

thee, where ya been so long?

We been a ramblin' son (Idaho, MT, Burning Pram, "the mountain") and we been a typin'. To dig the fruits of our labor, please turn your attention to the brand new edition of American Angler for a short piece by Thee Kollective's Thee Originoo Trouthole. It's in the Gear I Love section thingy. Sorry, no link, it ain't up on the AA site yet.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

American Angler?! Can we assume you're trying to kill the dead tree media from the inside then?

12:52 PM  
Blogger Sniper, Inc. said...

Oh, you can't kill us. We're the UNDEAD!

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will you be sporting a pink shirt and stripping basket now?

12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeez I hope that type writer was not really on fire! Just an FYI - The individual keys are worth about $30 a piece at the moment....authentic vintage typewriter keys are sold for cuff links pendants etc. Look on eBay for Steampunk.
Overall I'm kind of befuddled by this website, it seems to be a one or two man show with rarely a visitor? Hopefully I have the incorrect assumption about it and it is a booming site for you.

8:40 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Tahnks for provide me wonderful site
BPO Projects Available

2:45 AM  

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