Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
uh oh... bass in Davis Lake

the Eugene Register-Guard has a well-done recap. Money quote:
In its first attempt to estimate the size of the bass population last year, the ODFW calculated that in excess of 8,000 bass greater than eight inches long lived in the lake.
Follow-up sampling completed the weekend of May 19-20 indicates the population is now about 14,200.
in the end, it all comes back to bacon

Lord knows we've spent a number of very valuable AHW posts discussing bacon -- there was WT's bacon-fried connamon rolls that started it all; there were the maple bacon donuts, and now: maple bacon cupcakes with maple frosting. Money Quote:
The brown sugar and maple syrup make the cupcakes sweet while the minced bacon salts it. The maple frosting is then sprinkled with turbinado sugar and sea salt. The cake is light, salty, sweet, and just... well, different. In a good way. If you're a fan of salty sweet combos, then you'll like this cupcakes as it shows off bacon's true versatility as not just a tasty breakfast bit, but a true key ingredient in sweet things.
Friday, May 25, 2007
anglers! commence thee commencing!
holy jesus! world record* capr!

I was pretty excited to see the picture of the world record capr (above) until I actually took the time to read the story in the Daily Mail. Seems the angler, Graham Slaughter, caught "Kylie" using tuna for chum and something called "solar byt bolies" for bait.
"I used Solar byt boilies as bait and had laid down some tuna in the water. It slicks and attracts carp which have a great sense of smell. "The boilies are a mix of shrimp, yeast and tiger nuts. They love the taste of the shrimp and yeast and the tiger nuts are crunchy which they like.
"I then went back to the shore where I sat and waited for a bite.
"It gave me a real buzz when my alarm went off. It's the moment you are waiting for when you are sitting there with your rod.
chum?... bait?... ALARM?!?! OK, world record, maybe, but world record wiff an *
Thursday, May 24, 2007
George Bush hates this fish

From the ENS newswire:
Two senior House Democrats launched an inquiry today into reports that a Bush political appointee may have improperly removed a California fish from a list of threatened species in order to protect her own financial interests.
Julie MacDonald, who resigned this month as Interior Department deputy assistant secretary for fish, wildlife and parks, was actively involved in removing the Sacramento splittail fish from the federal threatened and endangered species list at the same time that she was profiting from her ownership of a farm that lies within the habitat area of the threatened fish, according to an investigative report published Sunday by the "Contra Costa Times" newspaper.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
all is well in the midwest... except...

thee FW Daily News is on the story:
A new controversy is flaring up along our local trout streams. It involves a hot fly that attracts trout like iron filings to a magnet.
Some fly fishermen declare the killer pattern profanes fly-fishing’s sacred traditions. They declare its use is abhorrent, marking the end of civilization as we know it. Others are more relaxed, viewing its appearance on our local waters as a passing fancy, an aberration in the evolution of fly-fishing that soon will fade into oblivion, like the Studebaker automobile.
Who is right?
More importantly, what is the name of the fly?
Labels: fly tying geeks, the midwest
stupid, stupid whales

Delta and Dawn (yup, they have now been named) continue to swim in circles in the Sacramento River. Why won't they go back into the ocean? Why are they just swimming in circles. What do they want? What are they attempting to tell us? Why does Trout Underground's Tom Chandler do nothing? We want answers, dammit!
UPDATE!!! Chandler fishes the upper Sacramento, but still...
Labels: stupid mammals that are not humans, tom chandler, whales
Monday, May 21, 2007
holy jesus! cicadas! CICADAS!

If you still reside in the Midwest, be on the lookout for what is being called "brood XIII" -- it's the every-17-years-or-so emergence of the loud, red-eyed hard-partying cicada. But what we really wanna know is, can you eat them? Answer: Yes! Both cicadas and shrimp are arthropods, so melt some better and todd a few hundred on the Webber!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
whein it becomes thee weekend
a new condo in hell!

Yep, the auction over at is still going great guns and you should head over there and bid on something for this great cause. Bloggers from all over the FF blogosphere have posted about this and most FFBB also have a post or two about this very worth cause.
Uh.... "most"?
Yup... "most" as in not all.
A note regarding this auction was removed by Fly Anglers Online (no link, no way). Hard to believe, but true. After hearing about this, thee kollecktive emailed publisher. Here's her response:
We do not allow auctions or charity requests on FAOL.
We never have. We receive about a dozen requests a week to post for fund
raising for some good cause - and we can't do them all. If we do it for
one, we must do it for we just don't allow it. Plus, most are not
fly fishing related.
Sorry if that offends you.
Deanna Birkholm
Publisher, FAOL
Well, it took our crack research staff all of 30 seconds to find these:
We'll allow thee angler to draw his/her own conclusions
...and then you die vol. 4
1. It desperately needs to be at least four times longer.
2. Everything becomes 40% cooler when it's set to the Beastie Boys' "Sabotage."
3. Hyenas are fucking assholes.
4. Male lions always get a bad rap. "Oh, the lionesses do all the hunting and killing; the males have little purpose besides roaring and insemination." Oh yeah? Well, it seems to me that the pride would have a big fuckin' hyena problem if Mufasa didn't pull the occasional deus ex machina. RAWR! Run away from this, shithead. Oh wait, you can't -- I've snapped your hind leg with my jaws of death. FACE.
Labels: and then you die, baggie teef, kissing suzy kolber
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Who is Vinny?
Vinny was born with an extremely rare neurological disorder called Canavan Disease (CD). Only about 500 cases have ever been documented in the US. Because he lacks a gene that controls acid build up in the white matter of his brain, his motor functions are severely affected. Since his grey matter is not affected, his thinking ability is not diminished. But he cannot walk or speak or even hold up his own head. He can, however, reach out, communicate through noises, and smile and laugh to let you know he is happy. While there is no cure for CD, we want you to join us to help the Wardens make Vinny as happy and comfortable as possible while we are graced with his presence. You can read more about this wonderful little boy at or on V-bay: the charity auction site to benefit Vinny Warden.
What is V-bay?
As suggested by the name, V-bay is a charitable auction of (generally) fishing related goods and services donated from the heart.
You’ll find:
Flies of all kinds: Unique fresh and saltwater selections handmade by some of the most skilled and inventive tiers around.
Gear: Quality new and gently used rods, reels, nets, and other essentials you wouldn’t want to hit the water without.
Services: Take a guided trip or boost your fishing and tying skills with the help of Vinny’s aunts and uncles.
Vinny’s attic: To us, you’re like family. Feel free to poke around here. You never know what you might find.
Got your attention? Good. Please visit V-bay today at where Vinny and the high bidder always win.
WHO KNEW? Eastern Fly Fishing Mag plays dumb re. Donny Beaver

We received plenty of responses on our piece yesterday "letters to other editors" wherein reader Steve Bacon sent a letter to John Shewey, Managing Editor of Eastern Fly Fishing questioning the propriety of featuring the Spring Ridge Club within the pages of the magazine. Here's Shewey's response:
Our intention with “Exposure” is always simply to present a spread of great photos. Certainly we had no idea of the issues surrounding the Spring Ridge Club—we simply received a query from a freelance photographer suggesting an Exposure piece on “Pennsylvania Spring Creeks.” Seemed like a good topic, photographed by a great photographer, so we accepted. The normal process is to have our art staff choose the photos and then ask the photographer to provide captions; obviously we made a mistake in using one of the captions to provide a website plug for the club—thanks to your email, we realize now that our policy in the future should be to not provide plugs for private businesses photographed in the Exposure section. In some cases, we do run feature and short articles about private fee fisheries and in all such cases we disclose the fact in the text. As I said, however, in the case of Exposure sections, our aim is simply to provide our readers with a spread of great photos, captioned appropriately. We’ll pay closer attention to those captions in the future!
Thanks for you input.
John Shewey
Managing Editor
Labels: answer the phone dummy, bad mags, donny beaver, fly fishing magazine
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
from the about gotdamned time dept: puget sound steelhead listed as threatened

On Monday, the federal government decided it is time for serious changes to prevent Puget Sound steelhead from disappearing altogether.
The National Marine Fisheries Service listed the fish as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act. The agency proposed the listing just over a year ago in response to a petition from Sam Wright of Olympia.
The "threatened" listing is not as severe as the agency's strongest protection, "endangered" but it still provides substantial protections for the fish, spokesman Brian Gorman said.
"In terms of their present condition, they were in perilous shape, but it also means that they are now afforded some very serious federal protections," he said. "Other federal agencies (now) need to come to us for permission to do anything that might affect these fish."....
Heather Bartlett, spokeswoman for the state Department of Fish and Wildlife, said that the most rigorous restriction available is to require sport fishermen to release wild fish. That rule is already in effect on all Puget Sound-area rivers, she said.
there is more to life than an improved clinch knot
Our close personal friends o'er at Mother Earth News illustrate a coupla sexy knots for your titillation. Ohhhh.... sheepshank! Ahhhhhh.... taut line hitch. Mmmmmmm.... carrick bend.
Labels: knots, sexy sexy knots
digression: western conference championships (nhl)

Labels: broke teef, detroit red wings, dynasty, hockey
letters to other editors

To Steve Probasco, Editor-In-Chief--Eastern FlyFishing,
Labels: donny beaver, fishing mags, trees died for this
Friday, May 04, 2007
is it friday already?
bugs we love: caddis

Thee Kollecktive is gearing up for the upcoming caddis storms on our locals. Generally, our boxes are stocked with Al Troth's elkhair and a whole bunch Iris caddis, but we couldn't help but be impressed with this amazing pattern as tied by Graham Owen
Labels: bugs we love, caddis, graham owen
update: FUGAZI!

Labels: fugazi, good internet, postpunk badasses
holy jesus! petrified forest found in Yakima

From this morning's Seattle Times:
"SOMEWHERE NEAR YAKIMA -- Clyde Friend was bulldozing a driveway around his shop when he first saw them in the dirt: gleaming pieces of the past. A forest of stone, more than 15 million years old." Check out the cool pics in the slide show.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Worse and worser: screwing washington anglers on TWO rivers!

It's bad enough that Red's fly shop is ripping up the Yakima River canyon to install a private "fractional membership" lodge and cabins along the Yakima River (with a swimming pool and decorative vineyard!) even though the lodge sits in a flood plain. Now Steve Joyce and co. are preparing to pimp out dearly-held carp flats along the Columbia river. No, we NOT providing a link.