letters to other editors

A Kollecktive reader submits this note:
To Steve Probasco, Editor-In-Chief--Eastern FlyFishing,
To Steve Probasco, Editor-In-Chief--Eastern FlyFishing,
A faithful reader of Eastern FlyFishing, I had not noticed there is no "Letter to the Editor" Section. Until now I had not looked. The May/June 2007 Issue featured a photo-spread on fishing Pennsylvania Spring Creeks. Photo captions, and the featured angler's hat, referenced the Spring Ridge Club. A caption also referenced its web site. Recently, a Pennsyvania Court found that the Spring Ridge Club and its proprieter, Donny Beaver, were illegally keeping anglers off public water. In some instances by stringing wire cables across streams. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/07031/758103-358.stm (Post-Gazette Article) Beaver has also engaged in efforts to turn Ohio's steelhead fishery (a resource created and maintained with public funds) into a pay to fish "destination".
Does Eastern Flyfishing condone these activities or other efforts to keep the fishing public off of public waters? I noticed that you accept advertising from an "outfitter" that in Beaver's own words, acts as a "trojan horse" to allow Mr. Beaver and his club to see if individuals fit the "club profile". If someone fits the profile (the membership fee is over $80,000.00) they can be taken to the "inner sanctum" at various flyfishing shows and be shown what life can be like when you exclude the people from what is rightfully theirs. http://troutunderground.com/pdf%20files/springridgenewsletter.pdf
There was no disclaimer in the issue calling the "article" an advertisement. Please advise as to whether other waters featured in your magazine require an over $80,000 deposit to fish. If this is a requirement on waters you feature, you should disclose such a fact. I imagine that most of your subscribers do not fit this demographic and would appreciate such a disclosure up front. I am not against a property owner exerscising his or her rights. I am against a property owner hijacking a public resource for profit and calling it conservation.
Steve Bacon
Labels: donny beaver, fishing mags, trees died for this
Nice work, Thee.
Eeeexcellent. Any response?
just to be clear here: this note was sent to probasco from the letter writer who was kind enough to copy me and tom from trout underground. i'll certainly report on any response.
I am waiting with baited breath for a response to this, and as I wait I'll cancel my subscription.
This slimeball beaver has a fan club?
Good work Thee.
I have been an advertiser in all 3 magazines Probasco publishes on and off for a couple years now, but not any more since I saw the photo spread about PA Spring Creeks and realized it was a promo for Donny Beaver. I got nothing against pay to play as long as it does not infringe on the public's rights or access. I also had a good friend that became a member of that club this season and I was invited to go there. But I guess my refusal to do so and my rant about the Spring Ridge Club cost me a friendship since I have not heard from him in over 3 months.
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