Friday, August 24, 2007

wherein we proclaim our !astounding! powers of rightness and note that, once again, all is right wiff the world

aye, 0! anglers, thee pinks, they are back again. and the blood -- 0! the blood -- it paints the beach in its seeping maroon sweetness.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

thanks, bush!

um... how much longer?

from the raw story:
As if it wasn't bad enough for the Bush Administration already, contempt charges are flying in Montana.

The Administration's top forestry official has been ordered to explain why the US Forest Service failed to analyze the environmental impact of dropping a fish-killing flame retardant on wildfires -- or face contempt of court.

holy jesus! HAGFISH!

Thee Pink Run is O-VAH!*

*Or so says some kiss-n-tell hucker from somewhere around seattle. We at thee Ass Hooked Whitey Kollective and Center for American Primitivism tend to disagree. Certainly, thee Kollecktive has noted that the Pinks ain't been as thick as the run two years ago, but over? OVER? IT AIN'T OVER TILL WE SAY IT'S OVER!


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Thursday, August 16, 2007

wherein we continue to offer feeble excuses for our lack of posting

Lookit, there are TWO (2) tides a day. There are plenty of fish out there, and thee Kollective's larder needs stocking afore the snow flies. We are stockpiling tons of great posts, but right now, we are fishing...

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Friday, August 10, 2007

wherein we explain our utterly pathetic lack of posting of late

o! thee joy. humpies? what humpies?

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

holy jesus! perseid meteor shower Sun. Aug. 11-12

Attention Star Hustlas:
Rising from the northeast. Moon should not be a factor this year. Ahoy!

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Friday, August 03, 2007

true, it is friday, but doom is all about us o! angler

certainly this is the sound pinks and silvers perceive as they swim past lincoln park...

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wherein we check the pulse of an alleged blog

Not that it was easy to discern it's life from it's non-life, but the blog of James Pio (uhhhh... "troutgrass") appears to have been added to eternity's trophy case. We wouldn't mention it really, because the blog was one of the worst example of this ... ahem... art, but only do take the time to note it's demise because Pio was suck a dick when it came to fly fishing blogs and bloggers. G'nite!

the pits of despair appear to be in crisis has been haaaxored.

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

fly fishing pits of despair department: fly fisher's paradise killed

Fly Fisher's Paradise, a pit of despair (and fly fishing bulletin board), was recently terminated by it's owner -- some fly shop in PA. Here's the suicide note:
Steve has given me the word to close the FFP forums due to general misue, bashing, etc.
The right to free speech does not exist on another's property. Steve, as the owner, wanted to keep the board PG and it was too much of a time committment to do so.
It's a shame that numerous posters always were picking and antagonizing, but that's the way it was, so this is the way it is now.
Go fishing!

BP Oil: now killing Lake Michigan

From the Chicago Sun Times:
BP has spent millions promoting itself as the greenest oil giant. But soon, the company plans to start dumping 1,600 pounds of ammonia and nearly 2½ tons of contaminated sludge each and every day into Lake Michigan from its refinery in Whiting, Ind., a mile from where 11 cities get their drinking water.
BP says its discharge is 99.9 percent water. But this merely dilutes the truth about what all those total tons of pollution will do to our lake. Ammonia is toxic to fish, frogs and other amphibians, and it can cause oxygen-gobbling algae blooms that smother aquatic life. Toxic metals in the sludge -- which likely include mercury -- will accumulate in the tissues of fish and anything (or anyone) eating them.
The company, which posted more than $6 billion in profits last quarter alone, could easily eliminate the hazardous discharges. But BP told Indiana regulators that it didn't have space to install the treatment equipment. And nobody from the state, it seems, wants to press them for an alternative solution.
Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 327-26 to pass a bipartisan resolution led by Illinois Democrat Rahm Emanuel and Michigan Republican Vernon Ehlers condemning the Indiana permit. Mayors in Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan are up in arms. Gov. Blagojevich is considering legal action. And Sen. Richard Durbin and others say lawmakers may go after BP's air pollution permits if all else fails.
Despite the swelling avalanche of protest, neither BP nor the state of Indiana seems to be getting the message. Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels -- a former top official in the Bush administration -- has ramped up his support for the company plan.

wherin we direct thee angler to voluntary beatdown's gravlox recipe.

pretty excellent. warning to the squeamish: it involves applying a "rock shampoo" to a salmon/steellhead.
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