Tuesday, September 19, 2006

blogging jerks

Tom "underground" Chandler has, we hear, some kind of fly fishing blog-thing. It appears he's hosting some kinda "outdoor bloggers ho down.

No. Of course we weren't invited. So that's it. That finally tears it. We are done being so fucking nice. Done!

fuck yuo yuo fucking geeks!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHW, when the hell were you ever "so fucking nice"?

But that's OK. I forgive you.

And yes, I've been remiss getting the notice up. Not really my gathering - it's the pesky bunch at GetOutdoors' idea - but in an obviously cheesy attempt to curry favor with the Internet's most profane fly fishing blog, 'll get the notice up right away.

You're invited. Everyone's invited.

10:13 AM  

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