Monday, June 19, 2006

I miss all the good stuff

Man, what a world class bitch fest was had this past weekend betwixt the Drake and the Fly Fishermen camps -- Thee Trouthole, your faithful correspondent--missed the whole shoooting match (tho I did managed to get blamed in at least one post! ra!) No one really cares enough for a blow-by-blow recap from AHW, but suffice to say, panties were bunched.
A few observations by your humble correspondant:
Heero = Hinge = Julie = Savanah
Tim Murphy = dickhead

So was there any redeeming typing going on amidst all the drama? Sure. You want highlights? We've got highlights:
From kreekn: "Having just returned from the drake board,I have determined,that there is no reason for anyone else to got there.The board lacks intelligence and its easier to find your own porn."
From Fishmaster Flex:
What's this wave of fucking outdoors best refugees all about anyway? You fucking tools. Why don't you go back over there for spirited debate over the difference between threading your fly through the bottom or top of the hook eye.
From Tim Murphy: Actually, [The Drake] is kind of lame.
From Tim Murphy:
They are tripping over themselves over there trying to figure out how they can do hiney love with the grey haired "boy". (Wow... homophobia on the Fly Fisherman board? Who knew?)
From Ajax:
Outside of confessing to child molesting or maybe bestiality, how would one go about being banned on [The Drake]?

Oh the Drama... we love drama... It pays the bills around here


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