Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Previous Posts
- wherein we present a toothsome rumor to thee angle...
- wherein we proclaim our !astounding! powers of rig...
- thanks, bush!
- holy jesus! HAGFISH!
- Thee Pink Run is O-VAH!*
- wherein we continue to offer feeble excuses for ou...
- wherein we explain our utterly pathetic lack of po...
- holy jesus! perseid meteor shower Sun. Aug. 11-12
- true, it is friday, but doom is all about us o! an...
- wherein we check the pulse of an alleged blog
It is dead as I killed it with a shovel.
fucking Cheney made us kill it.
Do you always do what fucking Cheney tells you to do?
It was time.
Some things need to die so they can be reborn from the ashes like a Phoenix, only for Ben to shoot it down dead with his Czech side by side to fry it up with onions and brown gravy.
I would like to take this time to thank Trout Steve as he was our greatest supporter.
I love him the way a Newfie loves a baby seal.
personally, for moi, the site died when the thai prostitutes were hooted off the stage.
What a shame. Now where will the Lost Boys go to drop f-bombs and display their big strong balls?
More than likely they will go to the drake with the other self hating retards who have never touched a real woman.
Good. Tell them to bring their game, if indeed they have one left after a year long circle-jerk.
Watching that last atempt at breaching the Drake bunker made me sad. It was as if Rudy tripped exiting the tunnel, and all those big fuckers ran right over him.
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