crab creek in the crosshairs?

Looks like the oft-discussed water storage solution for the columbia/yakima drainage may now be focusing on crab creek. the yakima herald has the story. Money quote:
The state report says a reservoir at Crab Creek, about four miles south of Wanapum Dam, could hold up to 2.65 million acre-feet of water at an estimated cost of up to $3 billion. Lesser priorities in the state study are Sand Hollow, east of the Columbia River, nearly four miles north of Wanapum Dam, and Hawk Creek, south of the river about 40 miles upstream of Grand Coulee Dam in Lincoln County.
The top-rated Crab Creek site, predictably, has drawn criticism from environmental interests who say it would flood a wildlife refuge and damage habitat for endangered fish.
The state report notes the Black Rock study is being conducted by the federal Bureau of Reclamation under separate, congressionally mandated authority -- though the state is a major financial and technical contributor -- and is much further along than Ecology's preliminary analysis and cost estimates of the Grant County sites.
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