digression: American culture

The other evening, Thee Kollecktive screened the film Instrument, a ten-year-in-the-making collaboration between the band Fugazi and director Jem Cohen. Most of the Kollecktive thought the film an artful, multi-media blend with surprisingly beautiful shots. The rest of the Kollective just thought it kicked much ass. But what the hell ever happened to Fugazi, anyway? Their last album, after all, was released way back in 2001. Well, according to Wikipedia, the band are on "hiatus". But dig this fans of post-hardcore dub n' punk, the band has recently released a series of 30 live shows on CD. 30 LIVE SHOWS!!! We have taken up a Kollection and are about to order a couple. Review to follow. Anyway, we just felt you should know this.
Labels: american culture, fugazi, punk, the use and abuse of loud guitars
fugazi kicksfugginass
That's a lot of shows to pick from if you can't afford them all.
What are your 'go-to' signs for purchase worthy cd's?
I feel neglected, yuo?
Has this blog gone the way of the dodo? I need results yesterday.
That's how I roll in the 206.
I've got
an epic problem
this epic problem
is no problem to me.
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